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ACEC Scholarship

May 2024

I love scholarships. Simply put, I love them because it’s financial support and who doesn’t like that? … A little more complicated of an answer, I love scholarships because the hourly pay is just crazy good. I mean think about it, if a scholarship you received is let’s say $5,000 and you worked ~5 hours on the entire application that means you just got payed $1,000 / hour. All untaxed. By just bragging about yourself for 5 hours straight.

Now me personally, I would love to consistently get payed $1000 / hour all the time to write essays (writing about how awesome I am), or requesting recommendations (getting other people to write about how awesome I am), and filling out other information (all the great internships and volunteer work I’ve done).

On a more serious note, thank you so much ACEC New York for connecting me with ME Engineers who have generously sponsored me. I had a great time at the luncheon with my Dad. And below are a couple pictures from the Scholarship Luncheon event.

ACEC Scholarship Luncheon - featuring my Dad :)