The Perfect Day

October 2023

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I open my eyes, and I can see the sunrise. Without looking at the weather app I can tell it's gonna be pretty good weather. I'm on my 20th floor studio apartment balcony and I'm criss-cross apple saucing on my outdoor coach. On my lap is the book I was just reading and just before this I was meditating. I love waking up super early to the sunrise and letting my brain warm up before I start work. There is something so natural to how the sun feels on my pajamas, it's like I'm a plant photosynthesizing. Also, Andrew Huberman told me it has tons of health benefits.

After I've read through about 30 pages of "Atomic Habits" by James Clear - I'll get out my laptop, grab a bagel, a banana, a gallon of Poland Spring and a nature valley bar, and start working on whatever I was doing the night before. I'm the CEO of my 20 employee startup called XXXXXXXX. Most of my work is management level, or what I like to call 'The Macro' work. The company has been bootstrapped in its entirety; and to this day, my co-founder XXXXXXXX, and I, have a 50-50 equity split in the company.

Time flies fast when you're working having fun. By now it's lunchtime and I have a client meeting at the local coffee shop. The client's name is XXXXXXXX and he's one of my biggest supporters and fans in the company. We talk a bit, and at this point in my life, I have excellent people skills and can convince people easily. He has major connections with product distributions in the US and after a bit of share negotiations he agrees to sell my product in XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX.

After the coffee chat, I head over to the gym. The gym is my happy place. It serves as a great mediator between the two sections of working hours I have. One cold shower later and I'm back into work. My first second third cup of coffee for the day is now at my desk and I sip it slowly. The rest of the day is consistent work up until about 7 or 8 pm. Everyone in my life knows that I can't be reached until 8 pm, since that's when I "get off work". I like to think that I can disconnect from work but realistically there's always something to do involving the company. My company has fully consumed the free space in my brain, but that's exactly how I like it.

Some nights I'll stay up all night just grinding since I have this burning idea on my mind. Those nights usually start out with 30 minutes of restless sleep where my brain just keeps thinking. Publicly, I get around 7-8 hours of sleep, but just between you and me, it's more like 5-6. There's just something so satisfying about working late into the night. I'm either a night owl by birth or it's the college studying nostalgia I just can't shake.

Although I have a set schedule, I try to always change things up. Habits are good, but autopilot is horrible. Novelty keeps me from burning out. I have built in checkpoints every month where I check in on my progress and assess how efficient I am. My team and I meet at the end of each week to perform a Weekly Check In, the tally right now is W.C.I. #237. This week in our online weekly check in, XXXXXXXX fell asleep on camera and we all had the funniest time trying to wake them up. When XXXXXXXX finally woke up they chimed into the conversation like nothing happened and we all started dying laughing again. I love the people I work with.

I don't have a girlfriend and I don't have any pets. But I do have a group of like-minded friends and mentors that I like to go out with on occasion. The majority of my friends are people in the startup industry. Younger, older, the same age, they all support me and I support them. In the most cliche way possible, it took me a while to find "my people" but I'm glad I finally did.

To Be Continued...